When insufficient blood gets to the scalp or the blood that arrives there is not rich enough in nutrients, your hair follicles are affected and they can become much weaker than normal.
When hair follicles are weaker, your hair does not attach itself to your scalp as it should, and you are more likely to pull it out with no effort at all. That is why you see it in your comb and brush or in your shower’s drain in greater-than-normal amounts. Your hair is not attached as tightly to your scalp as it should be, and it is far easier to break it off from your head.
Many treatments have been devised to remedy this problem. The professionals at Clive Hair Clinics have seen good success with their Home Formulae Treatments (HFT) given to certain patients. Over a four-week period, the hair follicles are relaxed, allowing them to sink more deeply into the scalp. Then, blood is attracted to the roots of your hair by causing the capillaries to become more active in the region. At the same time, vital nutrients are steered to the roots and harmful toxins that block blood flow are removed. Both of these actions bode well for your hair remaining on your head in a more permanent way.
As the HFT’s effectiveness is gauged, it usually continues over an eight-month period, then is re-examined for efficacy. Gradually, in many cases, hair roots begin to lodge in deeper areas where more blood vessels are located. This enables hair to grow more readily and become better attached to the scalp.
HFT will not prove effective in some cases of hair loss. It is impossible to say whether or not the treatment will solve your hair loss problem until you have had a thorough analysis done by a trained Trichologist. A Trichologist (title taken from the Greek word for “hair”) is simply an expert in hair and scalp matters. Trichologists meet in global summits every year to discuss the latest in hair loss treatment, such as HFT.